Green is Good

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween is over

I used to LOVE Halloween when i was a little guy..which was like when i was 9 and under ( I hit a fat stage from 10-14). Kids today got it good. All the big subdivisions with houses right on top of each other. My brother, Rupert and Nathan would walk our old neighborhood together with each house having close to an acre of property. It was a 4 hour deal to get 1/4 of the candy today's kids can have. AND...i saw several girls probably 12-15 dressed like hookers or school girls..come on. Nobody wants to see that..esp a dad with two little girls. Freakin'!

I got a good buzz on tho. Third Halloween in a row to bring that mission to a successful finish. Less kids then normal too, but Shelly and Carly had fun...Shelly mostly..Carly wouldn't get off my lap. Nothin' real eventful outside of AL gettin' a few disgusted looks from patrons when he jumped out from behind parked cars to grab them. I had some good one-liners about Shan's friend Gena...she had broken her hand and it was in a permanent crescent moon shape...i had several pretty good zingers on that hand.

I've got a new plan for where i'm gonna live too. Not 100% sure on it yet...I'll talk more on it tomorrow...but here's a sample of what to look forward's nice, cheap and no, it ain't my prom date from highschool.

Before the link of the of my newest readers mentioned two great movies that I hadn't commented on. Couldn't agree more that they both are classics. 1) Vacation/Christmas Vacation with chevy Chase..probably Chevy's only good flicks in my mind I still can watch anytime today. Man, Christie Brinkley brought me into manhood with a white dress, red ferrari and legs up to her chin. But i digress...Both those flicks are great..comedy all the way the thru. and 2) Goodfella's. Ray Liotta's peak as an actor, unless you count No escape when he's a prisoner on a self-contained island, but we really shouldn't. Joe Pesci broke out in this flick and subsequently followed it up with My Cousin Vinny? Unreal. Still, how it's told, the acting, story line and how it affects the actors as time's a great movie. NOW GO GET YOUR SHINEBOX!!

Anywho, heres' the link: This is the best ink this guy has had since "Pump Up the Volume" went to DVD.


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