Green is Good

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Jeff's Party

Went up to Jeff's house saturday night with Scot for Jeff's 30th birthday party. Good time. Drank a lot...good food too. AND we played Texas Hold em'...I won again. It really bugs Scot that I'm a superior hold em' player compared to him when I only play a couple times a year and always win and he plays daily and can't beat me. Yes, I will bring this up often now..especially after he threw me down the stairs in front of michelle Weinert bringin' up our date from high school that didn't go smooth. Thanks again Dic.

Anywho, good time, Jeff some got some good stuff..we left early today and after 2 stops at McDonalds on the way home, got back around 9ish...THEN..i had to take Shelly to a birthday party at Colonial Lanes...rock a bowl is the last place you want to be hung over as is...let alone rock a bowl at a kids birthday party. It was merciless...but Shelly had a real good time, so it was worth it. That's it for links, i'm still playin' with the one from yesterday.


  • At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said… you remember the time when you threw me a party for my 21st b-day...oh wait, you got drunk at Jeffy's graduation party and passed out, my bad. Do you remember when you threw me a going away party when I left for Australia..that was awesome..oh wait, that was for Tim when he moved to VA...


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