Green is Good

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Don't Sweat the Small Things

Tonight, I'm sitting out at Scot's watching tv and goofin' around on the net. Figured it would be a good night to to update the blog, cause, well, i'm bored. Anywho, lots of things went thru my mind about a potential good topic to write about...but one really stuck out to me. Don't sweat the small stuff.

It's something Elaine used to say to me all the time when i'd get torked off about something stupid. I blocked it out usually, but like most things she says or does, it was right. Why in life do we worry about things that we have no control or say over what happens? Why worry about something that already happened when IT"S ALREADY HAPPENED? Obviously, if you regret it, you'd change it. You know that now, so why worry about it? It's over. Done. Fini'. Why worry about things in the future? We aren't in the future. We can't control the future. We can just do the best with what we have and with what we can do at the present. That's all that matters. If you are cognizant of the future, and understand what is coming down the road, you can adjust your present to be ready for it.

I've had a lot of things over my life that i've dreaded, worried about, stressed over and tried to avoid. Looking back on them...90% were'nt important. Just things in life I had to deal with. The other 10% dealt with my girls, my mom being sick when i was young, becoming handicapped and my divorce. I stopped worrying about things like money, what i can afford, where i work, what i wear, who says what..etc. It's not important. I want to be happy and focusing on what is important makes that happen. I don't stresss the little things anymore.

My advice for the day is this...when you are on your deathbed...what will you think about? You will think about who you love and the good times you had with those people. Focus on those now and you'll be a happy person :)

That's it for my lesson..tomorrow i'll go back to small penis jokes and man boob cracks.


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